Hi all:
I have been away from court for three weeks - busy with family trips etc., but here is a link to Colin Freeze's article in the Globe and Mail regarding Wednesday's (July 13) high level witness, former CSIS head Jim Judd. Colin said that the hearing with Mr. Judd as witness was continuing today (Thursday). Maybe there is a Toronto Star report too but I haven't located it.
Not having been at the hearing I cannot comment on Colin's report but it does have something to say about Canada's intelligence sharing deals with shady countries who torture. I think holding a man incommunicado on no charges for eleven years is also torture.
Have a look at the comments - many are quite critical of Canada and CSIS. I wrote one too - see if you can figure out which one.
http://tinyurl.com/6fmj6zj (You may need to copy this link into your browser)