Friday, December 03, 2010

Mahjoub Hearing - Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hi all:

I just arrived home from today's court hearing which was mostly a debate between Public Counsel Yavar Hameed and Ministers’ Counsel Mr. Tyndale over whether the qualifications of Professer Wesley Wark, a Canadian expert and media commentator on intelligence and terrorism issues, make him an expert witness to testify regarding the Reasonableness of the Security Certificate on Mohamed Mahjoub.

I think tomorrow (Wednesday) will be more interesting because I believe Prof. Wark will get to testify about the Mahjoub case.

Thursday is supposed to be the day that a CSIS agent is examined regarding their policies and whether they have always adhered to their policies when dealing with Security Certificate cases. That will be the last day of hearings this week unless some time is required on Friday – but that would be exceptional.

Court begins at 9:30 am and usually goes until about 4 pm. You can attend at anytime and today's lunch break was from just before 1 pm 'till 2 pm but is up to the judge to decide.

Seven different people attended today, including one from out of town, David Milne of Belleville. Yusuf Mahjoub also attended for part of the afternoon with his mother Mona.

It is really good to have people interested in the case coming and going.

Also, there doesn’t seem to be a problem with people speaking briefly with Mohamed on breaks. He told me that.

So remember, the hearing is at Federal Court, 180 Queen St. W. Toronto (near Osgoode station), 6th floor, Room D.

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