Saturday, December 03, 2011

End Canada's cruel and unusual punishment of Mohamed Mahjoub - more than eleven years under a security certificate

Call for court support! Please attend, even if it is for just a couple of hours. The court takes note of public interest.

Mon. Dec. 5th to Wed. Dec. 7th, plus Wed. Dec. 14 to Fri. Dec. 16th and Mon. Dec. 19 & Tues. Dec. 20th

Every day from 9:30 to noon and 2 til 4:30 (approximate times*)

Federal Court, 180 Queen Street, 6th floor, Toronto (near Osgoode Station on University subway line)

**Court schedule is subject to last minute change, plus there is a lunch break, so check in before heading to court.

Updates will be posted at!/peepcomm

Mohamed Mahjoub will be in court to argue that ALL the conditions that are imposed on him should be lifted immediately. He currently lives under a form of house arrest that allows the state to micro-manage and invade every aspect of his life.

His lawyers will be arguing that the court can no longer maintain conditions because CSIS itself no longer claims to have reasonable grounds to believe Mr. Mahjoub to be a threat. His lawyers will also argue that his treatment amounts to unusual punishment in the sense of the charter. They're also pointing out that the conditions imposed on him are irrational and disproportionate, and that they are a form of cruel and unusual punishment.

Recent media articles relating to his case:


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